Friday, November 2, 2007

Highlights From the Change Presentation

Here are some of they key points of the lecture on change. Enjoy.

1. "It's not your job to change your spouse into what you want him to be." It's his job to be the best person he can be and it's your job to be the best person you can be.

2. "Marriage isn't about choosing a partner. It's about being a partner." Marriage should be 100%/100% on both sides. You might need to say, "If necessary, I will do everything in my marriage."

3. "You can really only change yourself."

4. "Understand differences, then you can adapt." Men and women are different.

5. "Understand needs, then you can care." Understand what it is that your spouse needs and they you will know how you can help and why things often happen the way they do.

Just because you have a persistent challenge doesn't mean you aren't measuring up.
Be a little more accepting of the challenges you face.

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